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The city of Baltimore is being held hostage by ransomware

This has been ongoing for some time.  This article provides a good overview of the plight facing the city of Baltimore.  At the end of the day, the situation boils down to a cost benefit analysis weighing the downtime associated with the ransomware attack versus the cost of the bitcoin ransom itself.  Then there is the added layer of whether it is prudent or legally advisable to pay a ransom of this type.

In these situations, it is important to remember the layers of protection needed to mitigate these types of attacks against any organization.  You should have a strong, flexible endpoint protection solution in place capable of detecting a ransomware infection and stopping its spread.  You should also have a sound backup and recovery solution in place with a frequent RPO (recovery point objective) and a very short RTO(recovery time objective).

Learn from this situation in Baltimore and prepare!

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