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Accenture Under Attack – Lockbit 2.0

Another day, another ransomware attack – but this particular attack has a few new wrinkles and plenty of reasons to be concerned. Accenture, as large global IT consultancy, has had a target on its back for some time and this attack continues the trend of cyber bad guys looking for new entry points via service providers and consulting groups. This attack comes not only with the threat of lost data but also with the threat of data exposure if the ransom is not paid. Extortion is a new and frightening trend in the criminal ransomware industry that truly ramps up the need for additional layers of protection against a ransomware infection. The best backups in the world cannot prevent data exposure in these new extortion situations.

Additionally, the feature set in the Lockbit 2.0 package has expanded to include new recruitment ad functions, threat wallpapers, and the ability to encrypt entire domains via group policy hijacks.

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